
Apache Junction Dentist. Guide to Good Oral Health

Apache Junction Dentist. Guide to Good Oral Health

Consistency is essential for dental care. Simple daily habits are the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Here are nine tips from your Apache Junction family dentist for optimum dental health.


The Worst Foods and Drinks for Teeth

Gummy candies, caramel, and taffy stick to your teeth. They feed dangerous oral bacteria, and as you don't produce enough saliva to clear away food particles while sleeping, germs in your mouth can grow faster.

Avoiding sticky foods helps reduce mouth bacteria and protects teeth from cavities. If you indulge in a sweet and sticky treat, be sure to brush and floss right away. Also, hard candies and popcorn kernels might damage your teeth if you bite down too hard.


Defending Against Gum Disease

Gum disease starts with gingivitis. Plaque collects below the gum line and hardens as tartar. Without treatment, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a devastating gum disease that leads to tooth loss.

Gums that bleed when you brush, or floss, are early indicators of gum disease. So be sure you brush and floss regularly.


The Best Plaque for War Weapons

Cavities form when plaque acids eat away at the tooth's enamel. Your Apache Junction family dentist advises brushing three times each day, after each meal and flossing before bed. Plaque-forming bacteria are continually dividing and increasing, so stopping them is critical.

Fluoride, a mineral in most toothpaste, protects teeth from bacteria by interacting with enamel and hardening surfaces. Choose fluoride toothpaste and brush with a manual or electric toothbrush.


Drilling and Filling Time

For example, if plaque gets into your teeth and causes a cavity, you need a dental filling to keep your teeth from getting a root canal or having to have them removed.

This simple technique involves numbing the area and drilling out the damaged enamel. Your dentist will then replace it with a tooth filling. Its hue might match your actual teeth.


Bad Breath

It's typical to have a dry mouth and "morning breath" after not swallowing much during the night. Chronic foul breath, or halitosis, is caused by foods like onions or garlic, which enter the bloodstream and are expelled with every breath. Oral hygiene is also a significant factor. Brush your teeth in the morning, night, and after every meal.

Bad breath can have various faces, sometimes showing an underlying health concern. So, if you have chronic foul breath, see your dentist immediately.


Tooth Discoloration

Teeth can become dull and discolored as they age. Avoiding dark-colored stains like coffee, tea, soda, red wine, and tobacco products will help prevent stains. Using a whitening toothpaste helps brighten and remove surface stains.

Martin Dental in Apache Junction recommends professional teeth whitening if brushing alone doesn't work. 

While over-the-counter teeth whitening products are more convenient, they might damage enamel and cause more significant dental issues.


Where to Scheduling Dental Appointments in Apache Junction?

Routine dental visits are as vital as regular oral hygiene. Seeing your dentist twice a year allows them to discover and treat dental problems early. Make an appointment with your dentist if you haven't seen him in a year. This might save you thousands of dollars in future dental work.

If you want to find out more, Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team. Please read what others have to say about our services.

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