
Benefits of Chandler, AZ Dental Deep Cleaning


Gum disease, which is periodontal disease, is because of the build-up of plaque. Once plaque deposits on your teeth, it causes gum irritation and inflammation of the gums.

When untreated, inflammatory gums break away from the teeth, forming pockets that keep more plaque and bacteria. When the disease progresses, it affects the bones and tissues surrounding the teeth, leading to tooth loss.

Here you can learn more about how your Chandler dentist can deliver the best dental care to rectify this issue.


What is Plaque Deep Cleaning Treatment?

The deep cleaning procedure is distinct from regular dental cleaning during routine dental check-ups.

This specialized cleaning, also known as periodontal cleaning or scaling and root planing, applies to persons who have not seen their dentist for some time and have significant plaque build-up or to people with mild gum disease.


When Will I Need Chandler, AZ Teeth Deep Cleaning?

Scaling and root planing will be suggested once developed pockets are five millimeters or above, although this is just part of the definition.

Individuals with significant plaque build-up can profit from a thorough cleaning to restoring dental health.

Your Chandler, AZ dentist, makes a comprehensive examination and gives you excellent advice.


What Will My Chandler Dentist Do in Deep Cleaning Treatments?

According to the work volume to be carried out, this deep cleaning treatment can take a single visit or multiple visits.

In this process, we remove plaque and tartar over the tooth's entire length with metal scaling tools, ultrasonic devices, and laser devices.

The dental hygienist then uses the ultrasonic device and a curette to eliminate any remaining plaque.

Last, the complete area to be affected by the tartar is hydrated using antibiotics. That process should enable gums to heal and re-glue to the teeth.

What to Expect After a Deep Cleaning Treatment

A dentist can prescribe pain medication to control the infection and help with the treatment.

It is essential to follow the prescribed treatment, which includes a good oral care routine to ensure that your teeth and gums can heal properly.

A regular check-up will be necessary to evaluate progress. If you are a smoker, we will advise you to discontinue smoking as quickly as possible because it can contribute to gum disease.


Finding Best Dental Care in Chandler

We can prevent periodontal diseases. It is crucial to follow reasonable oral care procedures, including regular checks and professional teeth cleaning.

When you are seen every six months, it is easier for the dentist to catch insignificant problems before turning into big ones.

If it's been a while since you've been to the dentist's or you know it's time for this six-month check-up, make an appointment that will take a few minutes.

To ensure you have the best dentist available for your plaque issues, Contact Martin Dental and find out dental veneers

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