
Best Affordable Dentist Queen Creek AZ



When a baby tooth becomes decayed to the point where using other filling material will most likely not be successful, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends restoring your child’s tooth with a stainless-steel crown. Best Affordable Dentist Queen Creek AZ  This is especially true if the tooth has received pupal therapy.  After the decay has been removed, the dentist will fit and cement a prefabricated crown that is made of stainless steel.  It will fit over the tooth.  Here are some of the advantages of stainless-steel crowns:

  •  They are durable but not expensive
  •  It offers full protection for the tooth
  •  The teeth will experience little sensitivity  #smilewithconfidence
  •  Usually wont need retreatment
  •  Much more successful than metal fillings in children under the age of 4.
  •  It’s a good choice for children who need general anesthesia
  •  Also can be used as an attachment for a space maintainer.

If the pulp of the tooth is compromised, your dentist may need to perform pulp therapy before they place the crown.  This is still quite common, even for young permanent teeth. 


Tooth decay is preventable, between 60 and 90 percent of school-aged children around the world suffer from cavities that require treatment.  As a parent, there is so much you can do to keep your child from needing a stainless-steel crown. Best Affordable Dentist Queen Creek AZ

One of the first steps is to engage in prevention steps immediately.  As soon as your newborn baby is brought home, you should begin cleaning their gums after feeding with a wet gauze or washcloth.  The teeth will begin to appear over time, and continue cleaning them. #martindental You can gradually switch to an infant toothbrush.  If you want to avoid baby bottle decay, do not put your baby to bed with a bottle.  Keep sugary drinks or juices out of the bottle as well. 




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