
Can You Restore Tooth Enamel? Chandler Affordable Dentist

Chandler Affordable Dentist

What happens if some of the tooth’s tough outer layer of protection deteriorates? We’ll go into more detail about tooth enamel in this section, including what damages it and whether it can be repaired.

By the end, you’ll see why you need the help of your Chandler affordable dentist for advice and treatment.


What Is Tooth Enamel?

The thin layer that covers the outside of your teeth is called enamel. It is the body’s toughest component, and because of its hardness, your teeth are shielded from cavities, tooth decay, and daily wear and tear.


What Erodes Tooth Enamel?

Even while enamel is robust, it is not impermeable. Many factors have the potential to erode it.

Certain foods and drinks, including tomato-based sauces, juices, coke, coffee, and more, weaken and discolor teeth. In addition, a diet high in sugar feeds the bacteria already present in your mouth, creating acid that dissolves enamel.

Aggressive brushing, low salivary flow and dry mouth, acid reflux, specific drugs, chronic teeth grinding, and clenching are other reasons for erosion.

When your enamel becomes weaker and drier, your teeth become more prone to discoloration, decay, cavities, sensitivity, and infection.


Can Chandler Affordable Dentist, Improve Tooth Enamel?

The outer layer of your teeth cannot be replaced once it is lost; however, remineralization can heal enamel that has been temporarily damaged and softened.

Remineralization is reintroducing minerals to the teeth to strengthen and fortify them.

You can achieve this by using fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste daily, consuming foods high in calcium and phosphorus (such as cheese, yogurt, and nuts), drinking a lot of fluoridated water, chewing sugar-free gum, and maintaining excellent oral hygiene practices.


How Do I Prevent Enamel Loss?

Visiting your local Chandler dentist is the best start, yet you can do:

  • Use a night-guard if you clench or grind your teeth at night.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste and gently brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes at a time. Consider an electric toothbrush with pressure monitoring, so you don’t brush too hard.
  • Remove sugary debris from between your teeth by flossing at least once a day to lead to plaque accumulation and the creation of harmful acids.
  • Consume a nutritious diet high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables, containing calcium and phosphorus, and low in starchy and sugary foods.
  • To ensure a healthy flow of saliva, drink plenty of water.


Get Help With Weakened Enamel From Chandler Affordable Dentist

Attending routine examinations and cleanings at Martin Dental is another crucial step in promoting strong enamel.

Schedule your next appointment with us right away! We are excited to work with you to achieve a beautiful, healthy, and healthy smile.

To ensure you cover all your needs, you can find a comprehensive range of dental services from Martin Dental.

Contact Martin Dental to learn more about our comprehensive dental services. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team. Finally, please read what others have to say about our services.

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