
Chandler, AZ Dentist Restores Teeth with Porcelain Crowns

Do you have a damaged tooth that causes you pain and disturbing the symmetry of your smile? Porcelain crowns are an effective way to replace a damaged tooth with realistic-looking treatments. Crowns are very popular because they look good, last long, and give you a replacement tooth to replace your damaged tooth enamel.

If you are interested in porcelain crowns, your family dentist, Chandler, AZ, can explain every aspect of the process to you. Visit our dental clinic to find out if a crown is the right treatment approach for you.


Am I In Need of a Crown from My Family Dentist Chandler, AZ?


A porcelain crown is a tooth-shaped cap that envelops and protects a tooth. Dentists attach them to the base of a tooth where they replace teeth for all essential chewing and biting functions. Dentists can use crowns whenever a tooth has suffered severe physical damage.

This can be a deep crack, fracture, or caused by cavities. Most times, a tooth may have a hole that extends inside but leaves the outer structure of the tooth unscathed. Therefore, when your teeth have cavities that affect an enormous part of the tooth's outer surface, a filling is not possible.

In these cases, it is possible to replace the entire tooth above the gum line with a crown. You can use crowns for cosmetic to restore a tooth that looks bad because it has lost much of its structure, or a tooth with intrinsic discoloration that does not respond to bleaching treatments.


What Happens During a Crown Fitting?

The duration of your appointment may vary, depending on the reason for which you are receiving a crown. When you have a root canal treatment to treat a dental infection, your appointment will be on the extended side.

If the tooth does not need a root canal, the appointment will include the following steps:


They will inject you with an anesthetic to prevent you from feeling any sensitivity during the procedure.

The dentist will treat the tooth in question to prepare it for the crown. They may remove some enamel to make room for the crown.

When the tooth is treated, we take an imprint of the tooth. They make a model on this impression, which serves as a guide when creating your dental crown.

They place a provisional crown on the tooth to provide additional protection until your final crown is ready.

Following Up with Best Dentist Chandler, AZ

When the dental laboratory has received your imprint, it takes a few weeks before they will return the final crown to our practice. When they do, the dental team will call you to make a follow-up appointment. At the second visit, the dentist will remove the temporary and attach the crown to your tooth.

Between appointments, you must handle your temporary crown with care. They don't expect them to last as long as a permanent crown and they won't fit around your tooth. Avoid eating anything hard and crunchy or sticky food or food that could detach it.

For following up with the right dentist who will give you back your smile with confidence, you can contact the Martin Dental family dentist team here or fill in the following form so that the team can contact you.

You will have the best team for all of your dentistry requirements. Chandler, AZ, and you find that you have the best option for porcelain crowns.




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