
Considering a Dental Bridge in Mesa, AZ: What to Know


Are you considering a dental bridge in Mesa, AZ? Coincidentally, Martin Dental provides all the relevant details.

Our experienced team of doctors specializes in dental bridge treatments, and our state-of-the-art facility has a digital in-house lab.

With our expertise and advanced technology, we can efficiently and effectively restore your smile—no need to visit multiple offices or meet with different doctors.

Let us help you regain your confidence and improve your oral health. Visit Martin Dental today and explore the option of a dental bridge to enhance your smile.


Benefits of Dental Bridges

One of the chief strengths of dental bridges is that they can help improve your ability to chew and speak properly. Dental bridges are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile. A dental bridge can restore your ability to bite and chew food effectively by filling in the gap left by a missing tooth. This can improve your overall nutrition and prevent further dental issues caused by improper chewing.

Not only that, dental bridges can also help improve your speech by providing support for your lips and tongue. If you're considering a dental bridge in Mesa, AZ, you can enjoy these benefits and regain confidence in your smile and oral function.


Types of Dental Bridges

If you're considering a dental bridge in Mesa, AZ, knowing the different types available and how they can benefit you is essential.

A dental bridge is a prosthetic device to replace one or more missing teeth, filling the gap and restoring your smile. 

Your cosmetic dentist may recommend several types of dental bridges based on your individual needs.

  • The traditional dental bridge comprises a false tooth held in place by dental crowns on either side. This is the most common type of bridge and is typically made from porcelain or ceramic for a natural appearance.
  • Another option is a cantilever bridge, used when adjacent teeth are on only one side of the gap.
  • And for patients who are missing multiple teeth in a row, a Maryland bridge may be recommended. This type of bridge uses a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the back of the adjacent teeth for support.

Your cosmetic dentist in Mesa, AZ, will assess your oral health and recommend the best dental bridge.


What to Expect During the Dental Bridge Procedure

The dentist will walk you through each step when you come in for the dental bridge procedure.

  1. First, the dentist will prepare the abutment teeth, which are the teeth on either side of the gap where the dental bridge will be placed. These teeth will be reshaped to accommodate the dental crowns holding the bridge in place.
  2. Next, impressions of your teeth will be taken and sent to a dental lab where your custom dental bridge will be created. While you wait for your permanent bridge to be made, a temporary bridge will be placed to protect your teeth.
  3. Once your permanent bridge is ready, you'll return to the dentist to have it fitted and adjusted for a comfortable bite.

With advances in same-day dental technology, some dentists may complete the entire dental bridge procedure in just one visit.

If cost is a concern, consult an affordable dentist to discuss payment options and insurance coverage for dental bridges.


Where To Find The Best Dental Care?

Finally, if you're considering a dental bridge in Mesa, AZ, Martin Dental provides relevant details and expert care. Our experienced doctors and state-of-the-art facilities can efficiently and effectively restore your smile.

Did you know that according to the American College of Prosthodontists, about 178 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth? With a dental bridge, you can improve your oral health and regain your confidence.

 Unlock your ideal smile – schedule your appointment with Martin Dental today! Also, read what others have to say about our services.

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