
Dentures San Tan Valley AZ


Having new dentures can feel awkward for the first few weeks until you get used to them.  They can even feel loose while your muscles in the cheek and tongue learn to keep them in place.  Minor irritation or soreness is completely normal.  Saliva flow may even temporary increase.  The more your mouth becomes accustomed to the dentures, the minor issues like this should go away.  Make sure you are following up with your dentist as needed so they can check the dentures and adjust when needed.  If problems seem persistent, especially irritation or soreness, contact your dentist.  Dentures San Tan Valley AZ

No matter what type of dentures you have, practicing good dental hygiene is a must.  Your gums need to be brushed along with your tongue and roof of the mouth every morning and evening.  A soft bristled brush should be used to help stimulate circulation in the tissue and also to remove plaque.

Follow these simple steps to ensure you are practicing excellent dental hygiene with your dentures:

  • Rinse dentures before brushing.  This helps to remove any loose debris. #sweetwaterdentist
  • Always use a soft bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive cleanser.  This will ensure the dentures do not get scratched. 
  • When brushing, make sure to clean your mouth well, this includes your gums, cheeks, roof of the mouth and tongue.  Removing plaque will help reduce the risk of oral irritation and bad breath.
  • When you aren’t wearing dentures, make sure they are placed in a safe place and covered in water to keep them from warping.  Dentures San Tan Valley AZ
  • Some people use adhesives.  This comes in many forms: cream, powders, pads/wafers, strips, or even liquid.  If you use these products, make sure to read the instructions and use as directed.  Your dentist can tell you which products to use and which are best for your circumstances. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your dentures or even if they stop fitting well, call us at #martindental.  Schedule regular dental checkups.  Your dentist will want to examine your mouth to make sure you dentures are fitting properly. 

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