
Gilbert Cosmetic Dentist. How Dentists Fix Chipped Teeth

Gilbert Cosmetic Dentist

Even though our teeth are strong, they can still get hurt. A tooth can sometimes be chipped or broken by a hard blow to the face, a sudden slip or fall, or even a bad bite on something hard.

Here is a list of some of the most common ways to fix a chipped tooth at your Gilbert cosmetic dentist.


How to Fix a Chipped Tooth?

Teeth are stronger than bones, and Despite its name, tooth enamel doesn't regenerate like bone. So once cracked, shattered, or chipped, it can't mend itself. Obviously, you need a dentist.

Popular Gilbert cosmetic dentist restorations include:


Bonding with a cosmetic dentist

Teeth bonding is a common and easy dental therapy. The word refers to a dental procedure that shapes and applies composite resin to a broken tooth. It's used to patch cracks, chips, holes, and gaps.

If you're on a tight budget, consider dental bonding. Fast and simple. First, the dentist chooses a composite resin hue that suits your teeth.

After roughening the target tooth, a conditioning solvent is applied. The dentist will next mold the composite resin to fit your natural tooth. After the resin cures, the area is polished to restore its natural luster.



A dental filling closes out holes, fissures, chips, or other tooth damage using filling materials. The dentist removes the damaged piece of the tooth, cleans it, and then fills it.

Costs vary by filling material. Gold, porcelain, amalgam, or composite resin fillings are options, and some clinics offer tooth-colored non-metal fillings that are equally durable as metal ones.


Dental Crowns From Affordable Dentist

Crowns can restore damaged or cracked teeth. A "crown" is placed on a damaged tooth to restore its look.

This dental operation is more complicated and expensive than the first two. The dentist examines the affected tooth first. Decay may require a root canal. Then, the tooth is cut to make way for a crown.

Crowns are advised for badly worn teeth. However, people may still select this therapy to improve their teeth's shape and color by covering them with crowns. Instead of bonding or filling for a severely chipped tooth, consider a dental crown.



Dental veneers are used for fixing chipped or damaged teeth. Getting a crown is comparable. Veneers are tooth-colored shells glued to the teeth to hide stains, chipping, irregular shapes, and other flaws. Veneers are less intrusive than crowns because they cover your front teeth.

Two veneer types exist. The first is porcelain; the second is resin-based composite. The former is more durable and lasts 10 to 15 years, while resin-based veneers last 8 years.


Get Help Fix Your Chipped Tooth With Gilbert Cosmetic Dentist

A chipped tooth is sensitive to warmth and sweets and prone to infection. Untreated, the fracture may grow, and the tooth may break, causing ugly tooth loss.

A professional from Martin Dental should treat your chipped tooth before these complications emerge.

If you wish to learn more, Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team.

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