
Importance of Dental Hygiene: Brighter, Healthy Smile Tips

Best San Tan Valley Dentist at Martin Dental

Unsurprisingly, improving your dental hygiene habits can cause a healthier and brighter smile. However, it’s still important to understand the basics of proper dental care and how to ensure you’re getting the most out of it.

Martin Dental in San Tan Valley, AZ, is here to help you get the best results from your oral health care routine. Here are some tips on improving your dental hygiene and keeping your teeth healthy and sparkling!


How to Improve Your Oral Health

Improving your oral health starts with understanding the basics of proper dental hygiene. This includes brushing twice daily, flossing daily, using mouthwash regularly, and visiting your dentist every six months for professional cleanings and check-ups.

By following these basic steps, you can ensure that plaque doesn’t build up on the surface of your teeth or below the gum line, where it can cause decay and damage.


Tips for Brushing Teeth

Brushing twice daily is essential to keeping your teeth healthy and free from plaque buildup. When brushing, use fluoride toothpaste, as this helps fight off bacteria that cause cavities.

Additionally, use gentle strokes when brushing instead of hard scrubbing motions, as this can wear away enamel over time. Finally, don’t forget about the backside of your teeth and along the gum line – these areas are especially prone to developing plaque buildup if not correctly cared for.


Tips for Flossing

Flossing at least once daily is also vital to maintaining good oral health. To get started on flossing correctly, choose an appropriate length of floss—about 18 inches is recommended—and wind each end around each hand until there’s about one inch between them (this will be used for flossing).

Using gentle pressure against both sides of each tooth with an up-and-down motion should do the trick! Be sure not to snap or force the floss between two tightly spaced teeth, as this could cause damage to gums or other soft tissue in the mouth area.


Tips For Using Mouthwash

Using mouthwash after brushing can help reduce bad breath and kill bacteria that may have been missed during brushing or flossing sessions.

Ensure you choose a mouthwash approved by ADA (American Dental Association), as they have tested many brands on its effectiveness against bacterial growth within mouths over long periods.

Use according to directions provided by the manufacturer; usually, rinsing with 15ml (or one tablespoon) twice a day before bedtime should suffice! 



 Professional Cleanings Are Essential

Visiting Martin Dental in San Tan Valley every six months is essential for proper oral care maintenance, even if you brush and floss regularly at home! During these visits, our team will professionally clean teeth, which removes any built-up plaque or tartar from hard-to-reach places within the mouth area, preventing further decay or potential future problems like root canal treatments, etc.

Our office staff will advise tailored towards individual needs based on the current state/condition within the patient’s mouth area - allowing us to provide additional treatment plans (fillings/crowns/etc...) depending upon what we find during the visit (s). 


Get Started Today! Find The Best San Tan Valley Dentist at Martin Dental.

By following these simple tips mentioned above, you can achieve brighter & healthier smiles quickly without having invested too much into costly treatments or a lackadaisical attitude towards regular at-home oral health.

So what are you waiting for? Contact Martin Dental in San Tan Valley today & schedule an appointment so we can get started helping make all those pearly whites shine like brand-new pennies!!

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