
Mesa Dentist. What Does It Mean To Have Abscessed Tooth

Get Help With Mesa Dentist for Abscess

Many people ignore toothaches, supposing they are caused by sensitivity or taking pain medicine, and hope for the best.

But it can be more than just dental sensitivity—for example, a dental cavity. In addition, non-treatment might lead to more severe conditions like abscesses. Here you can find out more about an abscessed tooth and why you need a Mesa dentist.


What Is An Abscessed Tooth

Millions of germs live in our mouths at all times. If you eat many sugary meals and drinks, these germs multiply incredibly. The same bacteria feed on sugar, generating acid accumulation on your teeth, causing enamel damage and cavities.

An abscess is a pus-known pocket that forms if untreated tooth cavities go untreated. The infection spreads as germs grow.

This is a periodontal abscess, which forms in the gums instead of the tooth or root. A periapical abscess arises at the root's tip.

Poor dental hygiene, sugary foods, and sugary drinks increase the risk of tooth abscesses. Dry mouth can also be caused by aging or certain medications. Unfortunately, a lack of dental visits to your Mesa dentist can leave this going unnoticed.


Symptoms Of A Tooth Abscess

Abscesses aren't to be ignored. If not addressed promptly by your Mesa dentist, they might cause serious consequences.

  • Fever
  • Toothache
  • Tender gums
  • Swollen cheeks
  • Swollen lymph nodes under the jaw
  • Mouth fluid with an unpleasant taste is the abscess ruptures


Something else may cause some or all these symptoms, mainly if they co-occur. Seek emergency dental care to identify the cause.


How To Fix An Abscessed Tooth?

If you (or your dentist) catch a cavity early enough, it can be fixed, and no tooth extractions are required. However, if a tooth is already abscessed, your dentist may use additional procedures.

Draining an abscess

If the abscess hasn't ruptured yet, your dentist will need to open it first. A small incision in the pocket lets the pus out of an abscessed tooth. To help the pus drain and reduce swelling, the dentist will either cleanse the region or place a rubber drain.


A root canal can treat an abscessed tooth without extraction. Drilling into your tooth, removing the pulp, and draining the abscess are examples of this method. Filling and closing the pulp chamber and root canal follows. You can also have a dental crown to make your teeth.

Tooth extraction

Sometimes an abscessed tooth can't be saved, and it needs a tooth extraction is required to prevent the infection from spreading. After the extraction, your dentist can install a dental implant or dentures to fill the gap.


Infections that spread to other places of the body must be treated. This is done via medicine (antibiotics) prescribed by your dentist.


Get Help With Mesa Dentist for Abscess

If you have persistent tooth discomfort, consult a dentist right once. Early detection and treatment of dental disorders can prevent consequences like abscessed teeth.

If you wish to learn more, Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team or read what others say about our services.


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