
San Tan Valley Affordable Dentist. Signs of Tooth Decay

San Tan Valley Affordable Dentist. Signs of Tooth Decay

Cavities between teeth are one of the most common dental problems. This issue can impact people of all ages, not just kids. Tooth decay, on the other hand, is one of the most preventable dental problems by practicing regular oral hygiene.

Some of the most apparent symptoms of tooth decay are listed below. Get in touch with your affordable dentist in San Tan Valley at the first sign of trouble.


Where Does Tooth Decay Come From?

The first stage of tooth decay is damage to the tooth surface or enamel, as dentists prefer to call it. Next, acids produced by bacteria in your mouth have a high concentration, which is harmful.

Each individual will show unusual symptoms of tooth decay because no two cases are identical. Unfortunately, many falsely believe they are not at risk for tooth decay because they practice good oral hygiene. These are the red flags to watch out for if you're worried about tooth decay.

When swollen or bleeding beneath the gum line goes undetected, our gums can be extremely painful. Inflammation of the gums, also known as gingivitis, is typically brought on by a bacterial infection.

When plaque and bacteria accumulate on the teeth, many people do not even suspect that they have gingivitis. This leads to an increase in acid production by bacteria, which in turn leads to tooth decay. Although bleeding gums are not directly indicative of tooth decay, they can lead to that condition. Make an appointment with your dentist if you experience painful or swollen gums.

Feelings of pressure or soreness in the mouth when biting down on food may indicate tooth decay, which indicates that your teeth are weaker than they should be. At other times, the strain is only temporary. But if the pain persists, it's a sign that something is wrong, and you should visit the dentist.

Bad breath can often be traced back to not taking proper care of one's teeth and gums. Inadequate care of one's teeth and gums can lead to unpleasant breath. This could be an early warning sign of cavities forming in the teeth. Unfortunately, bad breath can persist even after meticulous tooth brushing and mouthwash gargling. If this occurs, tooth decay likely is to blame.



Stained Teeth and Unpleasant Tastes

Like the rest of our bodies, our teeth need a wide range of nutrients to stay strong and healthy. Unluckily, it is normal for teeth to lose some of these minerals/vitamins over time. Fortunately, this is something that our bodies can fix on their own.

Bad dental hygiene and an unhealthy diet can cause tooth discoloration and mineral loss. If you notice any discoloration in your teeth, it may be a sign of tooth decay, and you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

If we don't practice good oral hygiene, bacteria and plaque could cause damage to our teeth and gums. If they alter your perception of the flavor of foods and drinks, you may find that eating becomes a painful or unpleasant experience. Tooth decay is an early warning sign of serious illness.


San Tan Valley Affordable Dentist Here To Help

We hope these tips will help you figure out if you have cavities. However, if you experience any of these symptoms, it's essential to see a dentist immediately so he can confirm or rule out tooth decay and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

If you need help, it doesn't take any effort to Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team.

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