
What Causes My Tooth-Loss? Gilbert Affordable Dentist


Affordable Gilbert Dentist

It is inevitable to lose teeth, and you can do so even if you take good care of them. You might remember as a child having a milk tooth fall out on its own. Therefore, for tooth loss, aging is just as important as stress, injury, malnutrition, and infection.

Other factors besides those mentioned above can also lead to tooth loss. It would help if you considered all tooth loss factors to enhance your oral health overall, and each of these factors may direct you to a Gilbert family dentist within your budget.


The Way Teeth Grow

Odontogenesis is the scientific name for the complex process of tooth development.

We have two sets of teeth, like most mammals, while humans are born with teeth but don't fully develop until a certain age.

Deciduous teeth, sometimes known as milk teeth, are the initial set. The first set of teeth to erupt is this one.

Infants' incisors, which have flat edges, erupt between 5 and 8 months of age. As people get older, their canines, or pointed teeth, separate their premolars, feeding teeth, from their incisors or biting teeth. Premolars and other teeth should erupt by the time the child is three years old.

The baby teeth fall out about age 6. This tooth's roots eventually deteriorate and become loose to make room for the second set of permanent teeth. In addition, canines, premolars, and molars erupt after the upper and lower incisors.

Other permanent teeth had sprouted by the age of 14. Wisdom teeth can erupt between late adolescence, at around 17, and early adulthood, at around 20. Incorrectly positioned wisdom teeth might also develop, necessitating the help of a trained dentist.


What Is Tooth Loss Exactly?

Once lost or damaged by trauma, gnawing, or grinding, a permanent tooth cannot be restored.

Permanent tooth loss can result from a variety of oral health problems. But oral diseases can be avoided, which is good news.


Plaque accumulation harms teeth because it contains acid, bacteria, and germs. Enamel, the outer layer of your teeth, and dentin, the inner layer, may be affected by this.

Cavities are most frequently caused by plaque accumulation. When bacteria and germs feed on this sugary layer, they produce harmful acids that chip away at our enamel.

Bacteria's poisonous acids damage the teeth by causing holes in the teeth, exposing the dentin, and hurting the root. Damaged teeth next to them may deteriorate or need to be extracted.


Gum Disease and Gingivitis

A milder variation of periodontitis is gingivitis. Plaque and bacteria buildup cause the gums to swell, itch, and bleed easily.

Gingivitis is the most common disorder affecting oral health. Inadequate dental hygiene is the major contributor to it. Gingivitis is readily preventable with good oral hygiene. Gingivitis can be treated with the help of a dental expert and good home oral care.


Get Help Avoid Tooth Loss With Affordable Gilbert Dentist

Make an appointment with your local dentist if you believe you have periodontal disease. Preventive care is usually preferable, as with any condition. However, bacterial infection, pockets, and plaque formation can always be treated to undo their adverse effects.

Additionally advised are twice-yearly cleaning and examination visits to the dentist. Finally, to prevent illnesses that could lead to tooth loss or other oral health issues, you should be mindful of your diet.

If you wish to learn more, Contact Martin Dental for expert dental care. Alternatively, you can fill in the quick form for a fast response from the team.

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