
Best solution is All on 4 Implants Queen Creek, AZ

Why are dentures not the best solution?

So many people are not fans of removable dentures.  They are struggling with the maintenance, slipping and restrictions on food they can eat.  People want to eat smoothly without problems! 

To have lower dentures appears to be harder than upper dentures.  The jawbone will gradually change shape, eventually becoming flatter and after they have extracted the teeth, the bone will no longer be stimulated, and that leads to bone loss.  


Why are all on 4 Implants Queen Creek, AZ a better solution?

Dental implants offer a trustworthy solution to the many issues people face.  If you are looking for a full set of arch teeth, then you are looking to have around 6 to 8 implants inserted in order to support the arch. 

This can cost a lot of money when several implants are placed. It takes a lot of time and some pain for the patient to #smile confidently and have full teeth for a fraction of the cost with all on 4 Implants Queen Creek, AZ.


Why All on 4 Queen Creek, AZ?

Instead of going that way, modern implant surgery has the answer you are looking for once you find the right dentist for everyone at all on 4 implants Queen Creek, AZ. This procedure was first developed and it has revolutionized tooth replacement.  All on 4 implants in 4 are most affordable and time saving.  There is less work and less suffering for patients than normal implants. Four for the top and four for the bottom. 


Once all on 4 implants are fitted in Queen Creek, AZ

If eating causes you discomfort, you may want to avoid it.  It is best to also keep away from hard foods, candy, or foods that are too hot.  It is not advisable to chew anything after the operation if the tongues sensation has not returned. 

The best approach is to eat only pureed foods or liquids for the first few days following surgery.  Be sure you are receiving adequate nutrition, it is crucial to your healing. All on 4 is not for everyone, but is great for those who are missing a large number of teeth in the upper or lower jaw.  This is something to think about and research for yourself! 

If you wish to get the ball rolling and know more, contact Martin Dental here or complete the small form below and the staff will get back to you promptly.

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