
Find the Right Toothbrush in Chandler, AZ



Toothbrush bristles have come quite a long way since the early days of making them from the hair of wild boars.

Today’s toothbrush bristles are manufactured from nylon and are classified into three major groups: soft, medium, and challenging. Some brands also feature extra soft bristles. The variety of toothbrushes offered is so big it can overwhelm. Their most significant decision, though, depends on the soft bristles compared to the medium-hard ones. 

The type of toothbrush you prefer can affect the choice of bristles.

Do you use manual or electric toothbrushes? Each one has its advantages; however, your preferences may affect the type of bristles you choose. 

It makes no difference if you use a manual or electric toothbrush; bristles’ choice is crucial.

You can learn more about what your Chandler, AZ dentist, will advise.


Chandler AZ Dentist Won’t Recommend Hard Bristles

Toothbrushes with hard bristles or extra-strong brushes are rarer than the other kinds of toothbrushes and are becoming harder to find in the stores.

While they are the most effective at eliminating plaque and food debris, many specialists consider them doing more harm than good. 

Using hard bristles may damage your gums and make them erode, particularly when you exert too much pressure while brushing.

Hard bristles can also harm tooth enamel, mainly when used in conjunction with an abrasive toothpaste. 


What Family Dentist Says About Medium Bristles?

Toothbrushes with medium bristles lie somewhere between soft and hard bristles.

They are rigid to remove debris but are soft to prevent damage to tooth enamel.

But you must be careful about your gums if you use a medium bristle.


Soft Bristles Basics

We recommend soft bristles because they work for everyone. They are soft and gentle on your gums and will not harm your enamel.

However, if not properly brushed, they will not remove all plaque and food debris, and you will find you need your family Chandler, AZ dentist, earlier than expected.

Incredibly soft toothbrushes are now available and are recommended in some circumstances.

They are helpful for people who suffer from sensitive gums or enamel. In some cases, we suggest an extra soft bristle after dental treatment, as well as dental surgery.


Toothbrush Tips in Chandler Dental Surgery

The cleanliness of your toothbrush is crucial for the health of your mouth. Do not use a dirty, worn-out toothbrush on your teeth.  

After each use, clean your toothbrush by keeping it under warm water for at a minimum of one minute.

The extra minute means you have to rinse away excess toothpaste, residue, bacteria, and germs.

If you want to find out more, contact Martin Dental direct, your local emergency dentist in Chandler, AZ. Alternatively, quickly fill out the form below.

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