
Will Best Dental Care Chandler, AZ Cover Broken Crowns?


If you have an implant that breaks and there are sharp edges, then this may be an emergency. If there are no sharp edges, you should be able to wait until you have made an appointment with your local dentist.

Fortunately, in most cases, it is not a dental emergency if your crown comes off the implant. It can cause some discomfort, and you will need to see your local dentist sooner rather than later.

If your crown has come loose, you can read on for more information before you make an appointment with emergency dentist Martin Dental Chandler, AZ.


When Is a Broken Implant an Emergency?

It's easy to cut out the inside of your mouth or your tongue without realizing it. However, if the crown falls out, there should be no serrated edges. This means there's no need to panic, and you can call the staff at your local Martin Dental clinic to make an appointment to meet the doctor.

If there is no damage, the dentist Chandler, AZ can save the crown and re-cement it into position. Hopefully, this can be a cost-effective solution instead of having to have a new crown made from scratch.

If you find that this is the case, you will go through having an impression made, and a temporary crown placed until the fresh one is ready.


Eating With Broken Crowns

It may be better to avoid sticky or hard foods if you are in this position, as these may cause pain or tug on parts of the crown which may remain inside the mouth.

It is sometimes possible to eat with a crown that has broken or dropped, but be very careful not to munch on that part of your mouth.

Brushing your teeth will be critical if you have to wait several days since catching Chandler, AZ, the dental implant part sticking from your gum can cause pain or more damage.


Locate Best Dental Care Chandler, AZ for Broken Implants

As opposed to checking each dentist, you find online as long as a particular dentist is suitable for your problem; it's a lot easier, and you can contact the staff at Martin Dental.

With a top dentist specializing in dental implants, there is no other dental clinic, which can provide you with the best possible dental care.

You can easily keep their number in your phone if you don't yet require their services. However, when you need them, just contact Martin Dental for a regular appointment, or if you need a dental emergency to fix your Chandler, AZ dental implants.

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